About Savannah Mae

Say-What-Savannah-Mae Excellence Finalist

Born and raised in North Carolina. Can’t get much more southern than that right? I am a single mom of a handsome little guy (age 4). I love photography and I am working on making this a huge part of my life. I read lots of books. I have been reviewing books for a little over a year that are written by budding authors-some names you may know and most you may not. I hope to help spread the good news about what I read. I love Indies and I enjoy being a part of their journey.

Say What? Savannah Mae reviews and interviews can be found on RebeccasReadsWikiwormmagazine, Blogcritics, Shelfari, Book-Views, Seattle PI, Book-Critique to name a few. Exceed your expectations of a publicizing your review and open yourself up to receiving thousands of hits from eager readers and other media outlets.

10 thoughts on “About Savannah Mae

    • I just love indies! I have actually bought the 50 Shades trilogy about 6 months ago and its still on my shelf, untouched. I have been reading indies. I hardly have any books that are mainstream.

  1. Love it! Thanks for being so great to the Indie community! I haven’t published my series yet, but when I do, I’ll probably self-publish, because I want a say in how my book looks and is promoted. 🙂

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